Enterprise News

CEIWEI SerialPort monitor 12.0 purchase/registration

2023-07-31 15:18:27 1640

  CEIWEI user purchase instructions:


Single host Enterprise Edition:        39 USD   Pay:  https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jfyes/39usd

SerialPortMonitor12.7  Download: Local Download

Please send the registered machine code to: jfyes@qq.com after payment, CEIWEI will register for you within 1 working day.

Registration code authorization method:

MetInfo enterprise content manager system | MetInfo CMS


· Support monitoring COM port types: standard computer port, kernel virtual COM port, Bluetooth serial port, USB to serial port, etc.;

· Can monitor and collect serial port data in real time;

· Can monitor multiple serial ports simultaneously;

· Monitor serial ports that have been opened by other applications (requires service startup);

· Support monitoring view: List view, Line view, Dump view, terminal view, Modbus view;

· Support to monitor all Write/Read data streams of the serial port;

· Support monitoring all serial port IOCTL control codes, and tracking complete request information and parameters;

· Support custom monitor view data record color, time format, byte wrap length, byte display output in different number systems, etc.;

· Support monitoring session management: save and load all monitoring data, export and redirect to file function;

· Support monitoring view data export ASCII text, and support automatic redirection to file (requires professional version registration);

· Copy all recorded data to the clipboard (requires registration of the professional version);

· Support data linkage display among list view, line view, and dump view;

· Support custom IRP/IOCTL filtering tools;

· Support monitoring serial Modbus protocol analysis, support RTU, ASCII mode (export, copy, save data need to register the enterprise version).


CEIWEI SerialPort monitor can be used for:

· Monitor the data transmission between serial devices and any Windows App communication;

· Monitor serial port modems, serial scanners, serial printers and other serial devices connected to the computer;

· Can be used to analyze the debugging problems of the serial port RS232/422/485 communication control process

· Can be used for kernel virtual serial port driver development and debugging

· Can be used for serial port program and hardware development and debugging End user of CEIWEI Serial port monitor

· Software programmers and testers

· Software Quality Control Engineer

· Serial device system integrator

· Industrial control and SCADA design engineer

12.0 update log

1. Add Terminal View, Modbus View, LineView functions;

2. Add Modbus RTU/ASCII protocol analysis;  

3. Add data encoding analysis, support encoding types: Ansi, Unicode/UTF7/UTF8;

4. Add different view redirection file output;

5. Add view data save as;

6. Add monitoring session function;

7. Increase a large amount of data cache;

8. Add view function settings;

9. Add view data column to adjust display and hide;

10. Increase the data to be displayed and output in different bases (2, 8, 10, 16);

11. Increase the string output length of Line view and Dump view;

12. Add Line view and Dump view data package# display and output;

13. Added list view, line view, and dump view data package linkage display.

User restriction statement:

      This software CEIWEI SerialPort monitor is used for software engineers to analyze and debug the COM serial port communication of the equipment and software with complete intellectual property rights, to check the correctness of the communication protocol between the equipment and the software COM serial port, and to troubleshoot the COM serial port communication Protocol tools; all users are not allowed to illegally monitor, crack, and reversely analyze the COM serial port communication protocol of third-party software (software and equipment that are not completely intellectual property rights). Any violation of the COM serial port communication protocol will cause all losses and laws of the third-party software The responsibility should be borne by you, and has nothing to do with the CEIWEI SerialPort  monitor of this software.

Download: Local Download

CNET: https://download.cnet.com/CEIWEI-CommMonitor-Serial-Tool/3000-2383_4-78297347.html